So I find myself writing this during the season of Lent.
Lent is the 40 days (not including Sundays) before Easter.
there are 35 days left. Usually preachers preach that you need to give something bad and take on something good during lent. So that we can grow closer to God.
when I was young, I gave up cursing in my language, it worked, I don't curse near as much as I used to, and I am more sensitive to those words now.
I've given up meat, it didn't last... I've given up Red Meat one year and that stuck for about 3 years, i'm eating red meat occasionally now...I've given up soda pop, I've given up chocolate, I've given up all candy, I've tried giving up a lot of things, they didn't really work as I really enjoy eating sweets and drinking pop. so really why do preachers still preach giving up something for lent?
What is the purpose for lent? I asked on my facebook page today "in one word how would describe the season of lent?"
I've gotten these responses so far:
the thoughts and prayers that I keep repeating to myself sense last week's Ash Wednesday service is those of repentance and seeking forgiveness, and I find myself constantly asking myself what is it that God wants me to get out of these "special" 40 days before Easter?? How can I hear You different, how can I feel You different, how can I understand You differently, how oh God can I be used by you differently, or better?? What oh God do you have for me, I am merely a sinner, I am trying to understand You, and understand this calling you've placed on my heart, what oh God do you have for me, I am open, I am willing... what oh God do you have for me?
and maybe this is what Lent is all about, maybe Lent is about simply seeking a deeper connection with God... I am hoping that as a seminary student and ordination candidate I can develop my understandings of this season so that when it comes time for me to preach 'Lenten' themes I can preach it with vigor and reality.
so there is 35 days left of lent, i'm not giving up anything, but I am seeking what God has for me. I am excited for Easter. I love Easter, it is my favorite time of the Christian year...

be blessed!!