it has arrived, almost...Christmas is almost here. 4 more days. Nate has been getting more and more excited each day. Nate and I will be spending Christmas eve at my dads house so my dad and step mom can watch him open his presents. I cannot wait to see his face.
I have also been so reflective lately tho. I keep thinking about the families of the friends of mine who have died. This will be their first Christmas w/out they're child, because they buried them. I cannot imagine the pain these families will be facing as most of us are excited and happy to be receiving presents, these families will be grieving and maybe not evening celebrating Christmas at all. I cannot imagine having to bury your child, then turn around a week or a few days later and celebrate anything. As a pastor in training I'm not even sure what to say to these families. Every holiday will be different, nothing will be the same. Grief during the Holiday season. Is there a class in seminary for that????????
I cannot begin to explain how grateful I am for the blessings that have been bestowed upon me this holiday season. Allowing me to give Nate a really nice Christmas!! I praise God for this. and I yearn to God and call out to God to help the hurt of those that are deeply hurt this season.
when it is all said and done with December 25th will come and go it is just another ordinary day of the year. I hope that we all can take some time, and think about those who are not so joyous this time of year due to recent death and say a prayer or offer a hug or whatever, to ease the pain.
and remember... Emmanuel: God IS With Us
I'll be posting pics of Nate's Christmas soon.