This topic of young and old in the church is what seems like an ongoing conversation, it never seems to go away; will we ever just learn how to get along?
If a pastor focuses on this golden aged congregants and if changes are made that increase vitality do the younger generations that are un-churched or badly churched still need the church? Do we need to focus on them still, or should we wait for them to cycle through the life stages and hope they stick around to the golden ages? Does this evangelism thing require going out of our comfort zones? I mean for surely by now everyone has heard about Jesus, why must I have evangelize to anyone. I would suggest that the answer to all of these questions previously stated is yes.
Yes we need the youth and young adults in our churches--regardless of what age group the pastor is relation to or not
Yes the younger generation needs the church, especially with the world today and the pain that brings.
Yes evangelism requires going out of your comfort zone, do you think Jesus was comfortable when he walked thousands of miles to teach about love and justice? I mean my feet hurt after one day of walking less than a mile.
Yes Jesus the person in the bible is probably known worldwide by now, and if not I'm sure there are some sort of missionaries there right now risking their lives attempting to educate people.
So what is next? I believe it’s time we start doing some "GODing” ah yes you thought i'd never get here. "GODing” This can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be. I will attempt to make it simple. Young people, Old People, Black, white, yellow, Red, Pink and purple people need God, need to know that they are loved, that they are precious, that they are good, every. Single. Day. What is 2/3 of the word God? GO! In your search for Starbucks GO spread the love, forgiveness, grace and Mercy that God has shown you to EVERY person you relate with. In your quest to survive the day of classes, work, meetings, appointments, phone calls or whatever, try to GODing someone. More important and maybe even more special when your changing diapers, fixing dinner, helping with homework, at choir practice or bible study GO!! GODing even the people who have GODing to you. Human nature says that when we close our eyes and end the day all of our worries and doubts sail away at least for a few hours, if we decide to pick up those worries and doubts the next day we must also decide to pick up that love, grace, forgiveness, mercy and friendship that God brings us as his children too. Sometimes it is easier to pick up the worries and the doubts than the love, mercy, and Grace each day. Which is why it is important to GODing anyone, everyone, especially those closest to you every day. God is an ultimate being larger than what we can understand. God longs for us to be in relationship with him. Im not sure if there is a better way to remind, nudge, and feel Gods presence than the continual "GODing" from God's other beloved children. If the Church can adopt this "GODing" as a way to evangelize to the younger generation, to the marginalized in the local contextual settings of the church, I imagine a much more peaceful, loving, and church pew filled world. It’s not about condemning sin, that’s Gods responsibility, it’s not about teaching the right ways to do life, that’s our responsibility in response to learning to live right by what scripture, tradition, reason, and experience tells us, it’s not about increasing numbers in the pews, or on the books. It is about "GODing the world, Going, gently, loving, patiently, kindly, mercifully, gracefully, being God, and bringing God to the people today.
Can the church today become a "GODing" church? I don't know. I know I’m first going to focus on myself becoming more of a "GODing" person. Will You? The funny thing about "GODing" I’m pretty sure it doesn't matter how old you are, and I’m also pretty sure God doesn't care how old you are either, if you are "GODing" someone.