Well I never realized that the weekend would cause a delay in my postings, however obviously it does :-)
I've been a little ill to my stomach all weekend and really didn't feel like doing anything at all, unfortunately being a mom, doing nothing never really happens, there is always a diaper to change and food to fix, and laundry to do...
I did however keep up with my small devotions in the mornings, I have been so enlightened by how praying and spending just a few short minutes with God in the morning changes my attitude on the day.
I have however been very emotional the past few days due to the drama with my soon to be ex-husband and all of that Jazz...I have tried hard to forgive him, and move on past the hurt that he has laid upon my heart, my self esteem, and my emotions, but I find it very difficult to do!
I have realized tho that this un-forgiveness and bitterness in my heart is keeping me from moving forward with God. So I've given my worries, doubts, and problems to Him, like it says to in 1 Peter chapter 5 verse 7. Because I have shed a lot of tears over this, I have reflected on this quote from Frederick Buechner, maybe it will shed some light for you too:
"Laugh till you weep. "Weep till there’s nothing left but to laugh at your weeping. In the end it’s all one.”
this week my goal is to make a plan and figure out when I can work out every day... lets see if it happens...
First I am a Lover of God, Second I am a Single Mother to a wonderful little boy, third and so on I am Pastor, Ordination Candidate, and an advocate for children and families.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Day Four: whoopsy...
Day Four: whoops, I did not do a daily devotion this morning. Nate slept in as well this morning and I rushed around trying to get out of the house on time to get him to the sitter and then myself back to school on time...
However I have been in the presence of God all morning, I praise God for K-Love radio station at 97.3 here in the KC Metro area...
I praise God for Bishop Mutti and this weeks class devoted to United Methodist History. I have never been more proud to call myself a United Methodist!
I praise God for the movie Make a Difference, which I suggest you all STOP and watch RIGHT NOW.
I praise God for the Song Words to Build a Life On by Mike Crawford and the Sacred Siblings which is found at this YouTube link.
I may not have done a devotion but WHEW how GOD has moved today! Now we're about to do closing worship and I imagine that We will experience God again...
Please watch this video about making a difference and please listen to this song, they are amaizng!! Have a Blessed day and a GREAT weekend!!
However I have been in the presence of God all morning, I praise God for K-Love radio station at 97.3 here in the KC Metro area...
I praise God for Bishop Mutti and this weeks class devoted to United Methodist History. I have never been more proud to call myself a United Methodist!
I praise God for the movie Make a Difference, which I suggest you all STOP and watch RIGHT NOW.
I praise God for the Song Words to Build a Life On by Mike Crawford and the Sacred Siblings which is found at this YouTube link.
I may not have done a devotion but WHEW how GOD has moved today! Now we're about to do closing worship and I imagine that We will experience God again...
Please watch this video about making a difference and please listen to this song, they are amaizng!! Have a Blessed day and a GREAT weekend!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Day Three- Never Diet Again!
Well today my son slept until almost 7am and I once again was greeted with 2 extra hours of sleep, a wonderful feeling!
I did a short devotion and I will share it totally here with you, because it is so wonderful and it is the coolest because it goes right along with this blog and my journey...

"Never Diet Again
It's you against all those fattening desserts: pies, cookies, cakes, candy. You have declared war on fat. You've carefully read food labels, measured portions, cut out the fatty foods from your diet, and exercised regularly. But did you know there's an eaiser way to stay healthy and fit, one that doesn't require you to lose weight to accomplish goals? In fact, God wants all His children to be FAT--spiritually speaking.
Here's how to gain spiritual weight:
F--Be Faithful to do all that God tells you to do.
A--Be Available for His use.
T--Be teachable.
Being faithful to God means holding on to Him when Life's problems are pressing in. You probably would rather run and hide. What if God is transforming you into a stronger person through those trials? Would you still want to run? Being available to God means allowing Him to heal the hidden things deep within your heart--disappointments, hurts, and failings. This will free you to help others, and you will replace old habits with good ones by seeking God's plan for you life. Being teachable means never skimping on your daily nourishment from the Bible. Feed your spirit on God's Word every day, and you won't feel spiritually hungry or deprived.
Go Ahead--get FAT with God!"
(This comes from the book called "Quiet Moments with God--Devotional" published by Honor Books in 2001 in Tulsa Oklahoma)
WOW is this not perfect for me now, for others struggling now too? for those of you that don't know I am going through a divorce, any divorce is not easy, I am struggling emotionally with this and have a lot of things hidden deep in my heart that God and I need to deal with, little by little I'm allowing forgiveness to reign in my heart instead of bitterness, but it is a hard process...it is so much easier to stay mad, but I've realized that staying mad is actually hurting me more than those whom I'm mad at. So my prayer for myself through this process of trying to become healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually is to have forgiveness reign totally in my heart.
I hope you all enjoy this, find things deep with in your heart and try to allow yourselves to become FAT with God!...
I did a short devotion and I will share it totally here with you, because it is so wonderful and it is the coolest because it goes right along with this blog and my journey...
"Never Diet Again
It's you against all those fattening desserts: pies, cookies, cakes, candy. You have declared war on fat. You've carefully read food labels, measured portions, cut out the fatty foods from your diet, and exercised regularly. But did you know there's an eaiser way to stay healthy and fit, one that doesn't require you to lose weight to accomplish goals? In fact, God wants all His children to be FAT--spiritually speaking.
Here's how to gain spiritual weight:
F--Be Faithful to do all that God tells you to do.
A--Be Available for His use.
T--Be teachable.
Being faithful to God means holding on to Him when Life's problems are pressing in. You probably would rather run and hide. What if God is transforming you into a stronger person through those trials? Would you still want to run? Being available to God means allowing Him to heal the hidden things deep within your heart--disappointments, hurts, and failings. This will free you to help others, and you will replace old habits with good ones by seeking God's plan for you life. Being teachable means never skimping on your daily nourishment from the Bible. Feed your spirit on God's Word every day, and you won't feel spiritually hungry or deprived.
Go Ahead--get FAT with God!"
(This comes from the book called "Quiet Moments with God--Devotional" published by Honor Books in 2001 in Tulsa Oklahoma)
WOW is this not perfect for me now, for others struggling now too? for those of you that don't know I am going through a divorce, any divorce is not easy, I am struggling emotionally with this and have a lot of things hidden deep in my heart that God and I need to deal with, little by little I'm allowing forgiveness to reign in my heart instead of bitterness, but it is a hard process...it is so much easier to stay mad, but I've realized that staying mad is actually hurting me more than those whom I'm mad at. So my prayer for myself through this process of trying to become healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually is to have forgiveness reign totally in my heart.
I hope you all enjoy this, find things deep with in your heart and try to allow yourselves to become FAT with God!...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day Two
Okay so maybe this week is just going to be different as far as my sleep goes, this morning I was able to sleep in until almost 8 am this morning, I woke rested and with a sense of peace overwhelming to me.
I did do a small devotion this morning and it was inspiring, it used scripture from 1st Corinthians 2: 10-11 "But God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God." then it went on to tell a story about the Ice Cream Company Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, how they are a non-profit organization and the money that they make that doesn't go back into production they donate to cause worthy organizations and charity's.
I did not know this about Ben and Jerry's company, I know they're ice cream is great, but it is also more expensive, I guess now I know why it is more expensive, and I promise that if I have the extra $ I will purchase Ben and Jerry's just to support their cause.
Back to the Devotion tho: I imagine that this story tied into the scripture because not a whole lot of people know about this mission of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, just like the scripture says "no body knows the Mind of God except the Spirit of God"... Only God knows what he has planned for you and for me, AND no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. SO those of you who are called for a larger cause weather that is in the church or not I hope you know by reading this that God knows what he has planned for you and by the words of the prophet Jeremiah "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Today has been a great day, after I did my devotion I picked up my bible and just flipped it open...it fell to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, this scripture is very inspiring to me and to those who are called, I encourage you to read it.
I have yet to find time to work out...this will be a struggle, I have gym equiment available to me in the student center, however Ive just not found the time to squeeze exercise into my day...it will happen someday... :-)
Have a blessed day and rest assured that God Knows about you, and loves you deeper than any human ever can!
I did do a small devotion this morning and it was inspiring, it used scripture from 1st Corinthians 2: 10-11 "But God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God." then it went on to tell a story about the Ice Cream Company Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, how they are a non-profit organization and the money that they make that doesn't go back into production they donate to cause worthy organizations and charity's.
I did not know this about Ben and Jerry's company, I know they're ice cream is great, but it is also more expensive, I guess now I know why it is more expensive, and I promise that if I have the extra $ I will purchase Ben and Jerry's just to support their cause.
Back to the Devotion tho: I imagine that this story tied into the scripture because not a whole lot of people know about this mission of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, just like the scripture says "no body knows the Mind of God except the Spirit of God"... Only God knows what he has planned for you and for me, AND no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. SO those of you who are called for a larger cause weather that is in the church or not I hope you know by reading this that God knows what he has planned for you and by the words of the prophet Jeremiah "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Today has been a great day, after I did my devotion I picked up my bible and just flipped it open...it fell to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, this scripture is very inspiring to me and to those who are called, I encourage you to read it.
I have yet to find time to work out...this will be a struggle, I have gym equiment available to me in the student center, however Ive just not found the time to squeeze exercise into my day...it will happen someday... :-)
Have a blessed day and rest assured that God Knows about you, and loves you deeper than any human ever can!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day One
Day One:
“Do all the good you can,
SO I am blogging again today to keep up with my NEW me...
Today I was surprised that Nate actually woke up at 6:45am! I was greeted with almost 2 extra hours of sleep :-) Which was FABULOUS and I am very grateful!
SO its not as early as normal, however I still did a small and quick devotion and a quick prayer before I started getting ready for the day.
This devotion was about remembering to breath. It used the scripture verse in Genesis when God breathed the breath of life: "the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" (Genesis 2:7) this devotion went on to say that it has been proven that when persons and animals are stressed or are experience moments of adrenaline our brain process better when it has enough oxygen, which we give as we take deep breaths.
Then the devotion concluded that God breathed breath into every living being on the earth, and that Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on his disciples before he sent them out, and then that the disciples experienced the holy spirit as a wind experience.
Sometimes as humans we get bogged down in the hustle and bustle of life and the expectations that the world and our families place on us that we forget how important stopping and taking a deep breath can be.
so if you read this, stop now, take a deep breath and give thanks for that breath in your lungs, unfortunately today around the world, particularly in Hatti several will attempt to breath and will be unsucccessful. Today is the one week anniversary of the earthquake in Hatti, may we all remember, pray, and help in any way we can.
To end I will leave a quote by John Wesley: (the founder of the Methodist Movement)
“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”--John Wesley-
Monday, January 18, 2010
wow so my last post was in July...its been 6 months...I'm ashamed that I haven't kept up with this. Not only have I not kept up with the blogging but I also haven't kept up with the weight loss. I did weigh myself today and I proudly I have not gained any weight, but by now I hoped to have lost more than just the original 6 or so pounds.
Well now that it is a New Year (2010), I feel that I need a New Start to my life. A LOT has changed in my life since July, allow me to update you...
-I got accepted into Grad School, Saint Paul School of Theology, I am attending full time in hopes to gain my Master of Divinity Degree.
-I moved from my parents house into an apartment on Campus, with my lil son Nate, we're loving having our own space!
-I bought a car! 2000 Saturn SL2, its a small car but its a good car!
-Nate turned 2 and he's growing like a weed, he's lean and tall, the 2t's are too short for his legs, yet the 3t's are too big around his waist...
-Most recently I got 2 new jobs, I am the Director of Children's Ministry at at Church in KC MO and I also am now the new Director of Summer Adventure at a different church in KC MO.
WOW thats a ton of stuff!! and I have been a very busy woman.
In preperation for my MDiv Degree I have been reading a lot about John Wesley and the early Methodist Movement, as a born and bred methodist I have gotten a lot of inspiration and motivation from reading about this, which has sparked my interest in blogging again...
John Wesley devoted his life to dicipline, waking up at 4 or 5 am preached a sermon by 6am, preached again the noon hour and preached yet again in the evening hour. This is very inspiring to me, he woke early and worked hard, and woke early again every day like this.
This speaks to me because my lil 2 year old son doesn't not know what "sleeping in means" no matter how late I put him to bed he still wakes up ready to play between 4:30-5:30 AM, I usually am not a big morning person, however have been inspired to make myself a morning person and get with the game and embrace the early mornings much like John Wesley did.
I hope to make the most of my mornings, do a devotion/scripture reading/and prayer/and some good quality 2 year old time before I rush out to do class or work or church... I need some sort of accountability, because I fear that I will succomb to my flesh and nap on the couch like i've been doing this past year...any suggestions??
Hope you all have a blessed day!
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