This shall be a short explaination of what all happened...
First things first, the Divorce was finalized and child support was set in motion!

This included me driving 9 hours down to Dallas and then a 12 hour drive back (with a long overnight "nap" after 8hours) back to KC. I cried a lot, I screamed a lot, I prayed a lot. Even though both of us signed and agreed to the divorce decree months ago (back in may) One of us had to appear in court, for whatever reason my ex decided he wasn't going to appear as the court wanted him to, so I had to make the drive. No big deal IT IS OVER! I am moving on and I FEEL SO FREE!! this really helped me getting out of my PIT!! (see previous blogs for explaination:This drive also allowed me to listen to the rest of my book "get out of that Pit" by Beth Moore! How wonderful that book really is to people who are just stuck in a rut) OH and I changed my name back to my maiden name Rebecca Mulford!!
Second: Classes started for the fall sememster at St. Paul School of Theology! I am taking 9 credit hours: Preaching, Worship, and Process Theology. Lots of reading and paper writing!! So far the classes are great and I love my professors...ask me again come december and you might have a different story! lol!

and Finally:
Nate and I celebrated our birthdays!! Nate turned 3 on the 18th! and I turned 28 on the 21st! I threw a party at my place for Nate and I celebrated my day by attending class and doing homework WHOOP!

And thats about all for now! Hopefully I'll get the chance to post again before another month passes...only time will tell!! Now I must jet off to class!!
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