Sunday, February 10, 2013

96 days

"96 days of seminary left, 96 days of seminary, take one down, think it around, 96 days of seminary left." One of my countdown apps is called "reminder pro" it breaks down the time in months, weeks, days, hours minutes and seconds. This is what it says for right now:
Its going by sooo fast. I mean I've been here 4 years, but it just seems like these last days are flying by. Once the weight of the semester hits I'll probably be saying the opposite. Anyway, today is Sunday, I had a great service this morning. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which signifies the beginning of Lent. Every year I decide to give up something and take something on. This year I am going back to giving up soda and sweets and picking up exercising 3 days a week. (i'm actually starting tomorrow) But there is a friend/colleague of mine who is fasting for the entire 40 days of lent. You can find out all about this on her Facebook page So today I'm blogging about the library. Ohhh the library. At first I was scared of the library. I don't know why, maybe because the stacks are a little creepy. I've spent many a hour working there, reading there, researching there, getting lost in the stacks there and of course asking for help. I remember my first 2 years there when I lived on campus (lived, worked, and went to classes all in the same place) the only place I could find some solace long enough for thoughts to start flowing on a paper was in the secretive study carols at the end of the stacks. I'd lock myself in one of those rooms for hours hammering out a paper. Im not in the library as much now. I go and do research several times a semester, but now that I've moved off campus its a little bit harder to spend as much time there. I do have to admit that it took me 2 years to successfully find a book in the stacks the first time w/out looking for help.
Lots of good memories there, lots of hard work completed there. I'm very grateful to all the hard workers who have helped me and other students with research, exegesis papers, and get what we need. I will always remember our librarian because we share a birthday. John was born on Sept. 21st and so was I ... just a few years apart. Well tomorrow I think I will blog about Hendrix Hall... the lecture hall in the basement of the Library. Hope you all have a restful Sunday evening. YAY FOR MONDAYS ... :-/ ~Bec

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