Chapter 5: You can't get out alone, but you can get out!! The trouble comes when we seek a human deliverer instead of a supernatural deliverer. A human may be able to help us get out for a bit, but not forever. God may have raised up great human leaders like Moses and Joseph, however the nation eventually still defaulted to its old pattern. For example the Old Testament is full of stories about how Israel always went back and did things that were not good in God's eyes even after they had guidance from a Godly leader. I have had a few great leaders too! I still feel deeply grateful for their life advice and love that they have showed me, but they are not God. I cannot depend on human will to get me out of these pits. People simply can't be divine! People can help us but that can't heal us, people can lift us but they can't carry us. Nor can they set our feet upon a rock. When we come out of a pit if we think we are stable on the human shoulders we will stumble and fall sometimes deeper than before.
Only God can hang with us through the length and depth of our need, ONLY God can hang with us through the length and depth of our bologna! Not only is God omniscient but his word is sharper than a double edge sword cutting through our bologna! Knowing all we feel, all we are, all we know and all we hide God overflows with love and willingness to deliver us! Isaiah 30 says...the Lord LONGS to be gracious to you he rises to show you compassion!!
TRUE DELIVERY TAKES TIME and some TITANIC EFFORT and more patience than the best of people posses. I need a strong arm and a LONG arm. 2 Corinthians 1:10 HE HAS DELIVERED US, HE WILL DELIVER US ON HIM WE HAVE SET OUR HOPE THAT HE WILL CONTINUE TO DELIVER US!
I PARAPHRASED MOST of what I just wrote from her book. Lord Jesus KNOWS that I needed to hear it all! It makes me feel SO good to know that GOD LONGS TO BE GRACIOUS TO ME AND TO SHOW ME COMPASSION!!
GOD this emotional pit that I have been in during my last marriage and even know that I am out of that marriage, I need help! I need for you God to remind me of who I am in You!! This pit of laziness, procrastination and un-organization God, I need your help! I don't know how to do it all, I need God for you to give me some HOLY energy and guidance!! This pit of unhealthy eating God I need you! I need you to take control over the eating desires in my mind and body and allow me to give you control over what I like! God I need you!! I need you, I cannot do it without you!!! Thank You Jesus ~Amen~

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