Wednesday, August 25, 2010



This is Beth Moore's steps to get out of a pit. She has 3 ways to get out of a pit. Before I get to the three steps she says that we as Christians have tried to get out of pits for a long time, however we tend to not go all the way. We as Christians know that we have sins that we need to confess and most of us are a complete different person Mon-Sat than we are on Sunday. She also said that until we get some real help, then there is no hope for us. No matter how many times we go to the alter and ask for God's forgiveness and cry and weep and feel bad about ourselves we won't get out of our pits, until we tap into HIS ultimate power.

3 steps out of the pit: they all start with our mouth (hint the title 'make some noise')
1. Cry out: Psalm 40 (read it on your own right now...biblegateway) the pit dewllers deliverance begins with a cry...not just tears..."nothing weeps more copiously than a chunk of ice". We can cry our eyes out over the pain of our situation and still refuse to change.

IT ALL BEGINS WITH A CRY FROM THE DEEPEST PART OF YOUR SOUL aiming your cry toward heaven! No random ear will do, CRY towards GOD who CAN change all things...God has countless time heard the cry of his people. Psalm 72:12, Psalm 106:44-45, Psalm 9:9-12, Psalm 116:1-2, Psalm 3:4... the process starts with OUR CRY! (yes go and read each and every one of those examples they bring hope!)

You can cry out loud and demonstratively or you can do it laying on the ground making no sound at all except for groans that only the Holy Spirit can decipher. However you do it, just do it, and mean it, if you don't have it, if your mouth is too dry from the pain ask God to give you what it takes to cry out to the One and Only God that can deliver you.


Steps two and three will have to wait until tomorrow because I need to go home and do some crying out! Step two is confess and step three is consent... I'll dig into those tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fell Off


ugh I got off track! I can't believe its been 6 days since I've read a piece of my book or even thought about blogging!

The sad thing is that my life right now is not as near as stressful as it was a few weeks ago! OH MAN! I hate to see what happens when school starts back up again.

Well gotta dust myself off and bounce back!

2 weeks...2 weeks from today school starts...I've got 2 weeks 14 days to get a system in place and stick to it! I cannot afford financially, emotionally or spiritually to keep going like I have...I NEED MORE ORDER!!

ON the upside tho, I did start reading for this upcoming semester! I have to say that I am quite intrigued with my classes this semester... I have Intro to Preaching...Intro to Worship and Process Theology... I'm especially looking forward to the Process Theology class, not only do I like to Prof but its got some good stuff!!

Well hopefully I can get a chance to read the next chapter today...who knows today might be a 2 blog kinda day.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Get out of that Pit day 11


Chapter 5: You can't get out alone, but you can get out!! The trouble comes when we seek a human deliverer instead of a supernatural deliverer. A human may be able to help us get out for a bit, but not forever. God may have raised up great human leaders like Moses and Joseph, however the nation eventually still defaulted to its old pattern. For example the Old Testament is full of stories about how Israel always went back and did things that were not good in God's eyes even after they had guidance from a Godly leader. I have had a few great leaders too! I still feel deeply grateful for their life advice and love that they have showed me, but they are not God. I cannot depend on human will to get me out of these pits. People simply can't be divine! People can help us but that can't heal us, people can lift us but they can't carry us. Nor can they set our feet upon a rock. When we come out of a pit if we think we are stable on the human shoulders we will stumble and fall sometimes deeper than before.


Only God can hang with us through the length and depth of our need, ONLY God can hang with us through the length and depth of our bologna! Not only is God omniscient but his word is sharper than a double edge sword cutting through our bologna! Knowing all we feel, all we are, all we know and all we hide God overflows with love and willingness to deliver us! Isaiah 30 says...the Lord LONGS to be gracious to you he rises to show you compassion!!

TRUE DELIVERY TAKES TIME and some TITANIC EFFORT and more patience than the best of people posses. I need a strong arm and a LONG arm. 2 Corinthians 1:10 HE HAS DELIVERED US, HE WILL DELIVER US ON HIM WE HAVE SET OUR HOPE THAT HE WILL CONTINUE TO DELIVER US!


I PARAPHRASED MOST of what I just wrote from her book. Lord Jesus KNOWS that I needed to hear it all! It makes me feel SO good to know that GOD LONGS TO BE GRACIOUS TO ME AND TO SHOW ME COMPASSION!!

GOD this emotional pit that I have been in during my last marriage and even know that I am out of that marriage, I need help! I need for you God to remind me of who I am in You!! This pit of laziness, procrastination and un-organization God, I need your help! I don't know how to do it all, I need God for you to give me some HOLY energy and guidance!! This pit of unhealthy eating God I need you! I need you to take control over the eating desires in my mind and body and allow me to give you control over what I like! God I need you!! I need you, I cannot do it without you!!! Thank You Jesus ~Amen~

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Get OUT of that Pit day 9

Okay so I haven't posted in a week, but I have been keeping up with my 40 day push to get out of this pit. I think I've realized that I'm in two pits at one time. I'm in an emotional pit one that has allowed me to accept wrong images of me from other people, instead of living in the joy and image of my Creator. The other is a pit of laziness, un-organization, and procrastination. This pit is the pit that has spilled over into my jobs and have created the desire to seek God with all that I have to get out! I hate letting people down on the job, especially when I know the job is something that I want and like to do. This pit is also the pit that requires the most amount of labor! My House was a mess! I mean a disaster! Piles of dirty laundry covering my hallway, piles of clean laundry covering my couches. Dirty dishes, and overflowing trashcans. I spent 3 entire days cleaning, and doing laundry. I have a clean house now!!! I am out of that dirty pit that I was living in...however now the rest of the work comes into play I MUST get more organized and disciplined so I don't slip back into that pit! How do I get more organized and disciplined, I have no idea, other than to just do it. As I do this I'm attempting to get Nate into the habit of picking up after himself. I hope it catches on soon. I feel full of hope that I can get organized and disciplined, I just need to stick with it! Ask me next week how I'm doing...!!

I just finished chapter 3 it seemed to be long...I'm about to read chapter 4. The title of Chapter 4 is "Get out of that Pit" not very original but I hope to receive a word of encouragement.

I'll post again tomorrow!!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pit Dwelling Day 2

Pit Dwelling

In day two of the book, I read about two things, one was that sometimes we can take our pits with us wherever we go. She used the example of a family who lived in their mobile home for years, all of them just slept, ate, showered, etc, in there small mobile home. One day a home with a room for each child a spacious kitchen, and more yard space than they needed was given to them, and instead of getting out of their mobile home and moving into their new home, they just drove their mobile home right straight into the living room taking out a few walls on the way. All of their cramped living spaces, and mobile home smells came into their new home just as fast as they did, and became a permanent fixture in their living room! What a mental picture! This is SO true for me! I didn't really understand it until I read this...a quote from her journal (pg 9).

"No matter where we go, a pit can always fit. On any path we can spin our wheels and throw mud until we dig a ditch right into the middle of an otherwise decent job or relationship. Soon our hearts sink with the dismal realization that we're no better off in our new situation. The scenery around us may have changed, but we're still living in that same old pit. We start scrambling to figure out how we're going to dump an unpleasant person or position when the real solution may be to dump that pit we dragged in."

Everywhere I've been, and every relationship I have been in I think that Ive brought bitterness and un-forgiveness, and dis-order, with me. These items coming from way back as far as my childhood. And it means that Ive got some forgiveness to do, and some bitterness to let go of! It also means that I have to work at bringing order to my house, and by that I mean stop thinking i'm a college student and start acting like I'm an adult, my house won't clean its self, my trash won't go out its self, and my laundry will only pile up unless I bite the bullet and just do it! I feel that once I get some order to my house then I will feel less stressed and that will lead to less depression, and less chaos! WHOA! Thats a lot, but now I see it!!!!! and BOY do I WANT OUT OF THIS PIT!!!

The second thing I learned was about the three different ways you can get into a pit, 1. you can get thrown in, meaning something tragic can place you in a pit even when you didn't cause it. 2. you can slip into a pit, you can walk that fine line and just one day find yourself slipping into the pit. and 3. you can jump into the pit, you can chose to jump into a pit, not sure how all of those happen, but I do know that I think I've been a victim to all three ways of being in a pit. Yea I said it, I think i've been thrown in, slipped in, and jumped into a pit at one point and time in my life. Does that mean I like it? NO! Does that mean I want to do it again? NO! Does that mean that I got comfortable in my pit(s)? Probably...

I cannot wait to read more about how to get out of my pit and how I can keep myself from getting into future pits. Until then I will continue to work on getting my life less chaotic and more under control and clean!


Monday, August 9, 2010


SO I'm ready for a new thing! This summer has been not what I expected it to be at all. I decided I could work 2 ministry jobs, and still take care of my two year old son, my apartment, and myself. The end result...I ended the summer feeling like I did a bad job at both jobs, I have a horribly messy and chaotic apartment, and a still crazy 2yr old(which is expected...i guess). I was depressed because I hate that feeling, you know getting the job done but not getting it done with the fullness of your gifts and talents...that feeling of dang if I could re-do that I'd do it so much better. I found myself deep in a pit, one I think I've been in before...
As I prayed and cried, and sought forgiveness from people I put off or hurt while I was so chaotically busy this summer, or from doing a lame job at my places of employment, I looked on my bookshelves and found a devotional journal from my wonderful father that he gave me for mothers day this year entitled "Get out of that Pit" by Beth Moore. Beth Moore is an awesome bible study teacher and preacher. I've done one of her bible studies before and it was amazing!

Well now that August is here, and I know I'm ready to re-gain all that I allowed the enemy to steal from me. I'm ready to get out of this pit that I've been in for only God knows how long. It is hard for me to admit that Ive been in a pit, but now that Ive realized it, it feels good to know there is an answer and a way out!
This devotional journal goes a long with a book that Beth Moore wrote also entitled Get out of that Pit, (which I amazingly realized I had bought for myself for Easter and didn't realize the journal and book went together until God opened my eyes to see them...) the journal is a 40 day process of assessing your pit, learning how to get out of it, and learning how to not re-enter that same pit or a different one. I am ready to read this book, and do the journal activities and ready to live a life pit free! I will journal on here everyday an insight or something Ive gained in my 40 days.

Today is Day 1: I learned I am in a pit. I learned what a pit is, I am paraphrasing what Beth Moore said in Chpt 1: A pit is when you feel stuck, trapped, you can't get out, it is an early grave Satan has dug for you in hopes to bury you alive, but he cannot make you stay. A pit is when you have lost your vision and you cannot stand up to your enemy. In her description of a pit she doesn't say that it is a pit of sin, she says that sinful people and saints can find themselves in a pit. I learned that through prayer, scripture, and journaling I can only through God's grace and help can I get out of this pit.

39 days left! I hope you'll join me on this journey and I hope that through this journey God might speak to you as well.